Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Wrinkle in Time

“Enjoy it, it goes by so fast.” My mom, my dad, my in-laws, even strangers on the street would tell me that when we first had Caleb. It even got rather annoying to have to hear it everytime that I brought our little man around. Mind you, though, I got annoyed with everything those first three months that he was not sleeping. . .at all. In my defense, though, I, myself, was only running on 4ish ours a day. So, it is safe to say that yes, things did irk me a little more than usual.

Regardless, though, they would all say it and I would just brush it off my shoulder and forget about it.

The first three months flew by! The days, though, felt like eternity. I was going through sleep deprivation at having a tiny little food monster screaming at me for more milk. He apparently thought that his food came “buffet style.” He could come back for more and more anytime he wanted! It must have been wonderful for him, but for me. . .well I was putting my shirts on backwards and eating breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast! I didn’t know what night or day was or what was up or down!

But. . .those three months passed and our little food monster grew into a sleep through the night angel. . .well a sleep through the night baby anyway.

As Caleb grew we would face a whole new set of challenges. Did you know that at one time in C-mans life we could lay him down and he would not move? Oh, when we did that though, we talked about how we longed for the day that he would roll over.

Ha! When that day came, it was beautiful and my husband and I looked at one another and said “Oh what a wonderful day, he rolled over.” Little did we know that this would cause a different kind of terror. No longer could we lay him on the couch and not have to worry. Now, he moved. We had to watch the couch, the table, and anything on the floor because he would roll off, roll under, or find something to put in his mouth.

Still, though, we pressured time to pass us by. . .and it did. We would say “Oh what a day it will be when Caleb crawls.” And then he did!

It was a beautiful evolved crawl that went from army style to all fours, but it was still crawling. We soon learned that crawling came with unique challenges Corners had to be watched and the kitchen floor had to stay clean. He was officially mobile and oh it was scary!

Yet again, though, we said “How wonderful a day it will be when Caleb walks.” And it happened! Caleb started with a furniture walk and now he rivals an Olympic runner! Now we have our eyes glued to the kitchen cabinets, the toilet, and my picture frames (we have already had a few casualties). Not only do we have to watch things, we also have to watch little man a little more closely. He comes up with more bumps and bruises than we know what to do with. He loves to climb and walk, but we are beginning to think his favorite thing is falling.

We just celebrated our little guys first birthday and I think that is when it all hit. The understanding, I mean. I think back to seeing Caleb for the first time in the hospital with his little pumpkin hat, bald head, and shriveled skin and thinking “Wow he is the most beautiful baby in the world.” Now, at one, I still think he is the most beautiful baby in the world, but I cannot help to think, “Where has the time gone?”

“Enjoy it, it goes by so fast.”

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